Resistance of 40Ω, inductance of 0.4Hz and capacitance of 200µF are connected in series and are fed by 200v, 60Hz supply. Find;


A resistance of 40Ω, inductance of 0.4Hz and capacitance of 200µF are connected in series and are fed by 200v, 60Hz supply. Find;

  1. Inductance Reactance, XL
  2. Capacitance Reactance, XC
  3. Magnitude of impedance, Z of the RLC Circuit
  4. Magnitude of admittance, Y of the RLC circuit


R = 40 Ω, L = O.4H, Capacitance = 200 × 10-6F, Frequency = 60Hz, Voltage = 200v.

  1.  Inductance Reactance, XL

X= WL = 2ΠF × L   ;      2 × 3.142 × 60 × 0.4

                                      =150.816 Ω

  1. Capacitance Reactance, XC

XC = 1/Wc = 1/2ΠF × C = 13.33Ω

  1. Magnitude of impedance, Z of the RLC Circuit

Z =

Z =

Z =  = 143.187Ω

  1. Magnitude of admittance, Y of the RLC circuit

Y =   =   =  -3 Ω

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